fi & jims never ending adventures

Friday, November 26, 2004

chennai rocks

we have arrived safe and sound..second day in chennai and we're becoming more like locals every minute!

>> just had a lovely lunch of curry dhal on banana leaves.. eating with ourfingers.. now off to the beach which is very long and wide.. may go andsee the fort later and check out a temple in town.we are having a great time discovering the indian way, we are living in ahotel lodge which has large inner patios and big trees..a double room costs 200 rupees which is about 2.20 pounds..we've done lots of sleeping and we were up to 4am today walking about theroom, we even made it up to the rooftop of the lodge where we saw somestars, huge fruitbats and then suddenly a rainstorm from the coast camein. mossies arent really a problem, although they like our english blood!


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