Asia earthquake
90% of the places we have visited in the last month have been affected by the tsunami and flooding. with casualty numbers increasing by the hour.
we are shocked to realise that we escaped tradegy ourselves by getting a train out of danger. we planned to say farewell to the beach the morning of the disaster, however, fi was ill...
we just want to say that our thoughts are with the people and families that we have met along the way that will have been affected.. livelihoods and property.. including morgan, the fisherman, and anna the angel, in kanyakumari.. the latter where 1000 people were swept off the beach into the sea.
fi and jim
we are shocked to realise that we escaped tradegy ourselves by getting a train out of danger. we planned to say farewell to the beach the morning of the disaster, however, fi was ill...
we just want to say that our thoughts are with the people and families that we have met along the way that will have been affected.. livelihoods and property.. including morgan, the fisherman, and anna the angel, in kanyakumari.. the latter where 1000 people were swept off the beach into the sea.
fi and jim
At December 27, 2004 9:39 pm,
Anonymous said…
Glad you and Fi are ok mate. We were worried when we heard. It is a terrible disaster and we are all glad you have managed to avoid it. Thoughts to everyone affected. It certainly puts a different perspective on everything. Take care Alex and Rachel and James.
At December 28, 2004 6:22 am,
Anonymous said…
hi jim Fi, glad to hear that you are both safe and well, it must be very upsetting
for you both to see the devestation the earthquake has caused, but well done for
informing us so quickly that you are both ok.
Crocodile Dundee eat your heart out.
Lata Dave, Bex & bump x
At December 28, 2004 6:25 am,
Anonymous said…
What a dreadful time your part of the world is having. The dead figure is up in the 20,000 mark now. I don't know how they will ever know the full numbers.
The gods were looking down on you but you must feel devastated about it. It is bad enough watching it on TV here. I am afraid it must have put a damper on your trip.
mum and dad callender
At December 28, 2004 6:25 am,
Anonymous said…
Thank God you're both OK. I heard about it on the news yesterday but couldn't get to a computer until today. The scenes on the news were horrific and it must be worse for you, having been to the places affected. My step brother lives in Thailand and always spends christmas in Phuket but luckily, this year, he'd gone to the east coast instead. We were obviously relieved when we heard from him! I'm glad I can stop worrying about you two as well now!
At December 28, 2004 2:49 pm,
Anonymous said…
Fi, sooooo glad to hear that you are both ok. Keep safe and keep posting so we know where you are! Elaine & Kev.
At January 04, 2005 5:30 pm,
Anonymous said…
glad you two are safe and sound. JP
At January 10, 2005 6:28 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hi there Monkey and Rat,
so glad you are both OK after the tsunami. Pearline told me on my first day back at work she'd read your weblog and seen that you were safe. I had sent you a text around 27th Dec but its most likely you didnt get it.
Been busy back here at work. First game of footie for the new year last Saturday so i am feeling stiff today.
Enjoy your travels. Go monkeyrats go!
Steve Holmes
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