grr in Sasan Gir
India is famed for its wildlife and also for the fast speed in which these rare creatures habitats are being lost as well as the constant decline in species numbers. From what we have seen there are many people in India who dedicate their lives to saving these places and the plants, animals and birds that live in them.
Unfortunately, they seem to be fighting a huge battle with other people who are not as bothered about these places! A tiger park in Rajasthan - Rathanbore is the latest victim as they have just found out that no tigers are left, when they have been taking tourist in under the false pretense that 30 are left. Who knows where the tigers have gone, but a good guess could be medicine bottles!!
Anyway, let me concentrate on the amazing sight we saw in Sasan Gir national park.....
We went on 2 safaris and teamed up with a Dutch couple - Arjen and Flora.
The first safari was from 3pm until 7pm. The park is comparivley small and because Lions and there fellow species don't have passports and don't see human boarders they wander in and out of the park and lions have been spotted sunnin themselves on the beaches of Diu.
We didn't see Lions this time but we saw loads of other animals such as:
- Chital, spotted and sambhar deer
- wild boar
- jackals
- Indian Marsh Crocodiles
- and Arjen spotted a red bellied snake
The park is covered in shruby trees and with it coming into the very hot season there are no leaves so it looks very wild and hot.
The next morning we started at 6.30am and it was at least 35'c then! On the island of Diu the temperature soared to 45'c!!!!
This time monkeyrat came with us and brought us luck, within 10 mins we heard the deep meowing of a lioness and got within 50m of her. She was beautiful. Her call was for her cubs, which we didn't see but I will never forget the meowing.
After that we saw:
- honey buzzard
- spotted owlet
- parakeets
- tree pie (bird)
- painted storks
- heron, ibis and kingfishers
- as well as all the deer
- but the best was seeing a 2m king cobra
All in all it was a fantastic 2 days and a great last look at India's wildlife.
'The earth has enough for everyone's needs, but not enough for anyone's greed' - Mahatma Gandhi
At April 11, 2005 3:00 pm,
Anonymous said…
BBC News posted this article today about India's disappearing tigers:
At April 28, 2005 12:16 am,
Anonymous said…
It is a crying shame. I have posted an article on the tiger situation in India. Check it out at
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