google ads & housekeeping
please click on the purple vertical advert bar as it means we will be getting money to stay out here longer.
we have also put a link to our photos incase anyone missed the blog entry link,
and also the latest on the tsunami efforts in india - if you havent dontate please do, unicef are here for 3 years so your money will be much appreciated.
we have also put a link to our photos incase anyone missed the blog entry link,
and also the latest on the tsunami efforts in india - if you havent dontate please do, unicef are here for 3 years so your money will be much appreciated.
At January 27, 2005 1:12 am,
Anonymous said…
Just for you two!
The Mattrad
pS I did get a bit clicky for you, should get a beer or two :)
At January 30, 2005 8:19 pm,
Anonymous said…
Bilikans and lover, SOunds like your having an amazing time out there. I am really enjoying your blog so keep it coming. Things here are cool (literally). Had the MattRad visit this saturday which was great and have another fairly standard week ahead (if there is such a thing as a standard week these days with young Jimmy boy keeping it very real) Can't wait til you meet him.
Keep it up Browsky!!!
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