fi & jims never ending adventures

Thursday, January 13, 2005


After the tsunami Jim and I decided that we would really like to try and volunteer in some way. We saw an advert in one of the papers wanting volunteers, so we contacted them. They asked us to go to Nagapattinam - the worst hit area of main land India.

So off we went - it took us 2 days to travel across Tamil Nadu. When we arrived we entered a hectic town with a sad edge to it. The bus station was taken over by tv camera vehicles, and NGO vehicles. All we could smell was bleach which was been put on the edge of all the streets to stop diseases spreading.

In this town was the headquaters for all the NGO's - which I have to say where all working together really well. Unfortunatley 'our' organisation wasn't so orgainsed and we were told that we were not needed. Both Jim and I were very frustrated, especially as we had travelled so far. There was no accomodation in the town either which is actually quite a good thing, as at least income is being generated for the local people. So we had to head inland instead.

The conclusion was that although we both felt sad that we couldn't volunteer, from what we saw the NGO's are doing a great job, not just in the short term of cleaning up the areas but strategies were being made for the long-term rehibitation of all these communites, from new houses to how generate incomes. So if any of you have donated to the diasater you will be please to hear that your money is being well spent!

As for volunteering, well we are still looking out of opportunities and I'm sure we will find somewhere soon.



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